Dr. Ro'Grot-Nid (40k)

Dr. Ro'Grot-Nid:

He's no Eggman, just a crazy grot with an idea... an idea to loot a Tyranid Hive Tyrant!

I kind of wanted to paint a Tyranid model, but don't have a Tyranid army, or the desire to paint 1,000 gaunts so I decided to loot an old metal Hive Tyrant model to count as a Deff Dread for my 40k ork army. 

The platform on the Hive Tyrants back was made from scoring a piece of plasticard (GW gift card) and pieces of a chopstick for the foot platforms. The ropes were made from pieces of wire that the grots have used to try to gain control of the Hive Tyrant. 

Here the Doc can be seen in all of his Glory! I added some more grots around the base of the model, to try to also act like wranglers, or a snack.

Since my Ork army is purple themed I thought it would be fun to paint the Hive Tyrant purple instead of the grots armor and clothes.

To add to the vignette that is this model, I gave the rear grot a whip so that he could be coaxing the Hive Tyrant forwards to battle. 


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