Chaos Dwarfs (Bloodbowl)

Chaos Dwarfs (Bloodbowl):

While the made to order Bloodbowl teams are quite good looking, as usual, I wanted my Bloodbowl team to stand out and be different from the rest.

For the base of the team I used Vulkite Berserkers, adding a skull to each of their belts in place of runes.

I sculpted bars to go across their faces to make their regular helmets look more like old school face masks on football helmets, as well as a pair of shoulder pads for each of them. 

I also replaced their normal shields with shields from Vampire Counts and Skeleton warriors to keep the death motif going.

I was lucky enough to get my hands on a Forgeworld Exclusive Chaos Dwarf to make into a star player and/or team captain. 

For the paint job I tried to go with the ashen skin, and hair like fire. Also you can see on the bottom right of this photo a passer. Dwarfs don't have a passer, but it was too good of an opportunity to pass up with that horn.

 I also decided to make a Deathroller and went with a Gyrobomber mainly as I thought the bombs looked suspiciously football shaped. I added some chaos bits for decoration, and green stuffed on laces to the bombs to complete the foot ball look. 

I thought the red-orange-yellow fade for a color scheme to match the rest of the players hair would be a cool color scheme. 


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